Here to answer your questions.

FAQs info on our services.
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General questions:

Understated is a full-service automation agency & AI consultancy for SMB's in the UK. Our solutions include custom-built solutions, managed services (build once and maintain ) as well as retainer-based consulting. 

Understated AI offers AI  consulting expertise & custom build efforts as well as managed services, to help any business either get started with AI or scale their AI operations so they make sense with your business operations. 

No, we serve these sectors through providing AI automation solutions, we do not offer any advice relating to these areas, we provide technology consulting services including AI automation & business process efficiencies

We don't work with businesses that operate in the grey or offering illegal services, for obvious reasons, but beyond that, we generally work with most businesses.

Please just get in touch using the contact form or contact us using [email protected] and we will get back to you within 24 hours with an invite to have an initial free consultation call to kick-off.

We work with you to ensure that any proposed solution fits within your current way of working, so very rarely would we ever suggest a solution that is outside of what works for you or beyond what you can implement. If you are unhappy with the proposed solution then we are happy to revisit the solution and remediate it to better fit your needs. 

Managed Services:

Learn about our managed services and off-the-shelf AI automation solutions for your business.

Managed services are solutions that our team have designed that can very quickly and easily be implemented in nearly every business and this ranges from automation solutions integrating different software you currently use to things that are basic hygiene that improve the way of working. They can be managed for you by our team on a subscription basis and when you are ready to take over we can just simply handoff the service to you.

Managed services are a much easier way to get into AI automation, by automating services quickly and making a few customisations will allow you business to benefit much quicker and cheaper than taking on a big custom project, there are instances where we will need to go down the custom route but generally we try to steer businesses to making amendments to a managed service.

One of our larger managed services is a product called Chat to Property. It is a real estate agent conversational AI lead magnet & lead capture tied to a database. We offer this solution to estate agencies in the UK. It has proven to be 72%+ more effective than conventional display signage and is currently used by several agencies. We also offer managed services for integrations like lead capture, to lead management on a CRM, lead evaluation via dashboards etc. 

You only pay once the solution is fully operational, we do not charge our time for any initial consulting, diagnosis or pre-work for managed services. If there are custom build elements that are extensive to implement we will discuss any potential upfront payment or build work cost, but generally you would only pay monthly for the delivery of the service. 

Yes, we constantly add to our list of managed services in order to keep up-to-date with the most efficient processes and to ensure that the solutions we propose are the best ones for clients. 

Custom Builds & Consulting

Learn more about our custom builds & consulting services.

Anything that falls outside of our managed services comes under the umbrella of a custom build, this includes, but isn't limited to: Building AI models with specific purposes not utilising freely available models, building a front-end application that leverages a proprietary AI model and making amends to the model, and more. These are generally large scale projects that require multiple people to implement.

We will discuss the scope of what's needed in the 30m introductory call to ascertain whether your project requires a lot of development work and whether this falls into an adapted Managed Service or whether it requires a custom build effort. 

Custom builds leverage a few dedicated teams worldwide we have different teams specialising in different application components including backend, AI data science, engineering & front-end development work. We remain as the single point of contact for all development work. 

For consulting, we normally start with an audit of your processes, ideate on ways to streamline operations using existing technology or new technology and we operationalise solutions alongside your team to ensure that the final delivery works with the team's expectations and workflow. 

If you are looking at your processes and understand that this process can be done better, you might be looking at one of our managed services.

If you are looking at building a large-scale application to centralise, manage resources, and combine & control everything, you might be looking at a custom build.

If you are looking at your business and realise you want to implement AI but don't know where to start, you might be looking to bring on our consultants.